Monday, January 31, 2011

Forgiveness: Key to Success

Oftentimes, we establish our vision in our heart and our minds. We declare what we want to feel and define the life we want to live. We may strive for a fulfilling career, loving relationships, vigorous health, spiritual awareness, or all of those goals.

Suddenly, though, we find ourselves "stuck." We sense an invisible roadblock in our path that we can't identify. No matter how we strive to push past it and resume our journey, we remain bogged down. What's holding us back? Chances are good that if we become quiet and reflect, we'll find a situation or person (including ourselves) in our past that we need to forgive.

It's like we've left a bag of rotten potatoes in our refrigerator. Oh, how sour that bag of  moldy potatoes smells! We go to the store and buy a new supply of fresh fruit and vegetables. Arriving home, we open the refrigerator and fill it with the fresh food, but we leave the bag of potatoes on the shelf. Can the newly introduced fresh food overcome the rotting potato smell, or stop the potatoes from molding? No! The potatoes continue to decay, exuding the nasty odor that rapidly seeps into the fresh food.

Just so, we haul grudges and anger from the past into our new lives, and then wonder why we get stuck. Consider this: When we hold resentment in our heart toward someone whom we think wronged us, we actually give our power to that person. Also consider that the way we feel about a situation is our choice. Unfortunately, when we choose to feel anger and betrayal, we end up hurting ourselves! Could it be that the person who acted badly toward us did it because that was all they could have done, given the conditions of their lives?

Or, could it be that it was easier to blame someone for the situation than to take responsibility for it ourselves?  Moreover, did a life lesson permeate the event? Were we so busy judging that we overlooked what could be learned from it?

When we insist on dragging around heavy, moldy "bags of potatoes" filled with past grudges and blame, they weigh us down.  The minute we realize how those sacks act as roadblocks and obstacles (think: negative energy) that stops us from reaching our goals, we can toss those sacks away... we can forgive.

Forgiveness causes the obstacles in our path to dissolve.  We are filled with energising feelings of lightness and freedom, and we step back on the road to success.

-Strangely found this while reading a stock market book today, found it insightful and thought Id share..

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